Choosing SPA Framework

Advantages of SPAs and the Key Concept About How They Work

Building our application as a SPA will give us a significant number of benefits:

  • We will be able to bring a much-improved experience to the user
  • The application will feel faster because less bandwidth is being used, and no full page refreshes are occurring as the user navigates through the application
  • The application will be much easier to deploy in production, at least certainly the client part: all we need is a static server to serve a minimum of 3 files: our single page index.html, a CSS bundle, and a Javascript bundle.
  • We can also split the bundles into multiple parts if needed using code splitting.
  • The frontend part of the application is very simple to version in production, allowing for simplified deployment and rollbacks to previous version of the frontend if needed

And this just one possible deployment scenario of SPAs in production.

Other Production Scenarios:

Other scenarios include pre-rendering large parts of the application and upload everything to a static hosting server, in-memory caching on the server of only certain pages, do versioning using DNS, etc.

Its today simpler than ever to make SEO-friendly SPAs, so they will likely have increased adoption in the future, in scenarios where SPAs have not been frequently used.