Sprint Planning

Sprint planning is a timeboxed working session for every week of a sprint. In sprint planning, the entire team agrees to complete a set of items from the product backlog. This agreement defines the sprint backlog and is based on the team’s velocity or capacity and the length of the sprint. In short, work is selected from the Product Backlog and pulled into the Sprint Backlog.

Sprint planning is a collaborative effort and meeting is facilitated by scrum master. During the sprint planning meeting, the product owner describes the highest priority features to the team. The team asks enough questions that they can turn a high-level user story of the product backlog into the more detailed tasks of the sprint backlog.

During sprint planning, below tasks are performed -

  • Assign a relative story point value
  • Remove dependencies
  • Create testable examples
  • Define acceptance criteria
  • Meets INVEST criteria

INVEST is an acronym which encompasses the following concepts which make up a good user story:

  • Independent
  • Negotiable
  • Valuable
  • Estimable
  • Small
  • Testable

There are two defined artifacts that result from a sprint planning meeting:

  1. A sprint goal
  2. A sprint backlog