
Razor Pages

ASP.NET Core metapackage: A new ASP.NET Core metapackage includes all of the packages made and supported by the ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core teams, along with their internal and 3rd-party dependencies. You no longer need to choose individual ASP.NET Core features by package. All features are included in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.All package

Runtime Store

Configuration update: An IConfiguration instance is added to the services container by default in ASP.NET Core 2.0. IConfiguration in the services container makes it easier for applications to retrieve configuration values from the container.

Logging update: In ASP.NET Core 2.0, logging is incorporated into the dependency injection (DI) system by default.

Authentication update: A new authentication model makes it easier to configure authentication for an application using DI.

Identity update:

SPA templates:

Single Page Application (SPA) project templates for Angular, Aurelia, Knockout.js, React.js, and React.js with Redux are available. The Angular template has been updated to Angular 4

Kestrel improvements

The Kestrel web server has new features that make it more suitable as an Internet-facing server.

WebListener renamed to HTTP.sys

Enhanced HTTP header support

Enhanced HTTP header support: When using MVC to transmit a FileStreamResult or a FileContentResult, you now have the option to set an ETag or a LastModified date on the content you transmit.

Automatic use of anti-forgery tokens

extra step is taken to help prevent cross-site request forgery (XSRF) attacks. ASP.NET Core will now emit anti-forgery tokens by default and validate them on form POST actions and pages without extra configuration.