Burndown chart

It is a graphic representation of the rate at which work is completed and how much work remains to be done. The rate of progress of a Scrum Team is called "velocity". It expresses the amount of e.g. story points completed per iteration. An import rule for calculating the velocity is that only stories that are completed at the end of the iteration are counted.

In this graph, total number of story points completed is charted across y-axis and number of working days is plotted along x-axis.

A diagonal line from top left to bottom right is drawn to show the ideal progression of the sprint.

As the days progress in sprint, completed user stories are claimed and deduced from the current remaining total. This will give us another line in graph which is actual.

Comparing actual line with idea line provides us information on progress and we can identify any problems. We can find out if we are behind the schedule or ahead of schedule in sprint.

If the burn down line is not tracking downwards by mid-Sprint, the team needs to quickly implement the Emergency Procedure pattern.

We can draw sprint burn down, feature burn down chart, release burn down char to track the progress.

Below is an example of burn down chart.