
OpenAPI Analyzers (Swagger) : OpenAPI (formerly know

n as Swagger) is a language-agnostic specification for describing REST APIs

Problem details support: ASP.NET Core 2.1 introduced ProblemDetails, based on the RFC 7807 specification for carrying details of an error with an HTTP Response.

Endpoint Routing: ASP.NET Core 2.2 uses a new endpoint routing system for improved dispatching of requests

Health checks: A new health checks service makes it easier to use ASP.NET Core in environments that require health checks, such as Kubernetes.

HTTP/2 in Kestrel: HTTP/2 is a major revision of the HTTP protocol. Some of the notable features of HTTP/2 are support for header compression and fully multiplexed streams over a single connection. While HTTP/2 preserves HTTP’s semantics (HTTP headers, methods, etc) it's a breaking change from HTTP/1.x on how this data is framed and sent over the wire.

CORS improvements

Response compression: ASP.NET Core 2.2 can compress responses with the Brotli compression format.

ASP.NET Core web project templates were updated to Bootstrap 4 and Angular 6. The new look is visually simpler and makes it easier to see the important structures of the app.